Basic Theory of C Language with byomjitech

            BASIC THEORY OF C LANGUAGE      

What is C (language) ?

'C' Language is a middle level language developed by Dennis Ritchie in at AT & T Bell Laboratories, New Jersey USA in the year 1972.


'C' Language Set Contain basic, element further to be used to develop a 'c' program.
Like : 》A, B, C ............. Alphabets (Capital                  letter).
          》0, 1 ............... 9 Digits (Numbers).
          》a, b, c ............ z alphabets (Small                      letter).
         》Alpha Numberals.
         》Special Symbol ( ) ; " , # etc.

Tokens • • •  

Tokens are unit words of 'C' .
It is very much lite to words as in English .

There are Five types of Tokens:-

1. Identifiers 
2. Keywords 
3. Operators
4. Constant 
5. Variables

Identifiers :- When we identify some words are unit words at 'C' Programming used to identify new entities to be used in 'C' Programming. 

These are user define Tokens.
            Example :- Sum N1, add.

Keywords :- Keywords are reserved word of 'C'  Programming with there Standard and Pre-defined meaning in the 'C' like library.

Example :-  Printf, if else etc.

Operators :- Operators operates on oprends produce some oprends output. A+B Operators. 

Example :- (+) (-) (÷) (×) etc.

Constant :- An Constant is the value that can be store under a variable name.

Variable :- Variable is nothing but a name to some memory location where a new value can be store.

(A) - Variable 
(B) - Constant
         1002 - Address


Instruction : 

Instruction is to create established a communication a program why a that a user can entract with the computer.
As we known that if we want to communication with the computer than we need a language that is understandable to the user as well as to the computer.

1. Declarative Instruction 
2. Input / Output Instruction
3. Assignment Instruction 
4. Arithmetic & Logical Instruction 
5. Control Instruction.
Declarative Instruction are used to declare new entities further to be used to develop a 'C' program suppose we add two number the declaration should to like to as :- A, B, S
                                                          N1, N2 Sum.

Input are used for supplying values to the variables as declared by decorative instructions.
Static A = 10
           B = 20
                      Dynamic for input - Scanf( )
For Output = Scanf( )

Assignment Instruction are used to assign the value to corresponding variables.
A = 10
If we can assign the values to the variables within its declaration. 

Arithmetic or Logical Instruction are used to perform the A/L Operation on the variables as used in Declarative and Input / Output Instruction C = A + B ;

int N1 N2 N3 Sum ; A = 10 
                                  B = 20
Sum = N1 + N2 + N3 ;

Control instructions are used to control the flow of execution ( instruction must be executed in the same as they prefer) of the program. 

Snytax Of C :- 

#        :- Preprocessor Directive
Stdio :- Standard Input Output
Conio :- Console Input Output


Void main()
               Statement                  Printf("       ")   :- output
                                                 Scanf("       ")   :- input



Void main()
         Printf(" BYOMKEH THAKUR ");




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